
Point of Sale Marketing: An Overview

Point of Sale Marketing: An Overview

 It is quite common nowadays for big stores like Bath and Body Works, Old Navy, Macy’s, and Target to have a huge area allocated to billing registers only. Near these sales counters, they display small and daily use items so the customers walk through a path of such items. This attracts the customers to make unnecessary purchases and profit the business.

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Point of Sale systems are usually described as an area where a customer pays the bill and finalizes a purchase but they also include the interactions between a customer and the store item near the register. The aim of this is to attract a definite customer’s attention to other products and market potential sale items till the very last minute. If done properly, this strategy can influence the purchase of a customer until they pay for the initial items they choose.

Why POS Marketing Works?

There are multiple reasons for Point of Sale marketing to work. Firstly, the person at the billing register is already a customer and it can be expected of him/her to make an additional purchase. Given that, of course, the item is not too pricey and is affordable for an average person. Secondly, such small items or add-ons can act as a reminder for a customer and encourage them to buy the item because they felt the need for it sometime before. Mostly, stores have snack items, socks, travel size products, accessories, etc. All these items one thing in common; they are daily-use items and people usually don’t put a second thought when buying them.

Lastly, waiting in a long line is not a very enjoyable experience but with a POS marketing system, it can be made fun. It turns a boring and tiring procedure into a fun interactive time. People in line can have the opportunity to look around at products and ponder over them. This pondering can lead to them actually buying the product. This clever way of marketing makes the customers give in on their impulse and buy additional items.

Advantages of a well-crafted Point of Sale display

The fact that every buyer rounds up at the billing counter ensures that almost every customer will visit the items on the POS displays. This makes the items which, aren’t usually on an average person’s shopping list, attract the customers anyway. Such items include gum, candy, chapstick, batteries, and much more.

Business owners also use POS displays to promote special discounts or offers. Since these are displayed on a small paper or printout, they are easy to put on the billing register to grab the attention of the customers.

How to organize a POS display

Although it sounds very easy and hassles free to stack up items at a billing register, in actuality, it requires thoughtful planning and a meticulous eye to put just the right item in the right place. The goal is to market and attract the audience to make the purchase. This can be achieved by following the tips below:

 Understanding the Product

Is the product you are choosing the right choice for a billing counter? What is the purpose of it? Does it discourage or encourage sales? Would it look good on the rack? Should it be hung or placed on the shelf? It is vital to take time in order to understand your product and what it can bring to the store.


A billing register counter or the space leading up to it cannot incorporate a huge bundle of products. It is wise to only display products that will stand out as a POS display is the focal point of the store. So the display should be easily accessible and shouldn’t create a crowd


The place where the items are to be stocked shouldn’t b too crowded or intricate. Since the place is supposed to be frequently accessed by the customers, it should be clean at all times. So the display should be compact and have enough space for stocking multiple items. This way it won’t bother the customers in line and will make it easy for the staff to keep it stocked at all times.


Generally, the customers are always in line and are a target for a POS display. However, an efficient POS system can attract non-customers in line too if the POS display is creative enough. It is essential to come up with unique displays that can promote sales even further.

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